Customer Notice

Customer Notice

The showroom is now officially closed as we move on to new adventures. Total Sounds would like to thank all our customers who have visited our 3 showrooms over the last 27 years. The two on Station Hill and our last showroom here at Weldale Street. Thank you for all your support we have built up great friendships over the years and long may they continue.

A big thank you to the staff that worked at all the sites and the input you gave Total Sounds to make it a brand that people know within the Reading and Berkshire area.

However this is not the end of Total Sounds we will continue to offer our online / equipment hire services please contact [email protected] or telephone 01189510050 or visit or website at take care everyone and I wish you all the best for the future.

Also we still have some of our clearance stock floating about so please watch out on the website and social media pages for some deals to snap up.
Jon xx

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Welcome to

Total Sounds website and DJ Showroom.

We are the leading disco and DJ equipment store in the Reading & Berkshire area. We are constantly updating our online store and showroom daily with new products so if the item you are looking for is not listed please contact the store on 01189 510050 or email [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you in store

You can find our showroom located in Weldale Street, look out for Cavalier’s t-shirts we are located in the same business park as you drive in we are located on the right hand side towards the end of the buildings.

Temporary covid 19 opening hours. We are currently running a book by appointment service between Tuesday and Friday . To book your appointment please email or telephone the store.

Total Sounds DJ Equipment Reading
Unit C5 Weldale Street. Reading
Berkshire, RG17BX
Phone: 0118 951 0050
Email: [email protected]

Gravity KSX 2 RD Set with keyboard/DJ Desk With Black Scrim (hire)

Especially on tour it is important that all instruments, equipment and accessories are compactly packed and can be easily stowed

Athletic Box-BP Speaker Stand With Base Plate

A professional speaker stand featuring full height adjustment with express lock system and pressure knob. Base plate made of steel,

Pioneer DDJ-REV7 DJ Controller

The DDJ-REV7 is built to help you get the most from the Serato DJ Pro performance software and boasts a

Ibiza Light Magic Color Stick 1.8m White

Extra thin, lightweight but powerful RGB light tube with a pure, discrete design and wonderful bright colours. It will fit

Pioneer DJ XDJ-RX3 all-in-one DJ system

The XDJ-RX3 boasts flexibility and practicality while packing in a host of features that come straight from the club-standard CDJ-3000

American DJ Pro Event Table MB

Designed as a professional alternative to folding banquet tables, the new ADJ Pro Event Table MB is a compact and

Ortofon VNL Moving Magnet DJ Cartridge

The new DJ’s dream a brand new Ortofon DJ cartridge that fits everyone’s taste .. The cartridge itself comes with

IK Multimedia iRig Stream

iRig Stream makes it easier than ever to share, letting you connect instruments, mixers and more to your iPhone, iPad,